Aesthetic filling

The revolution of adhesive dentistry

Today’s composite fillings can be bonded to dental tissues with tremendous bond strength. This bonding process, carefully and precisely executed under the right conditions, allows the creation of invisible artistic fillings that are durable and function well. Because the filling is held in place by the chemical bond rather than the shape of the cavity, there is no need to irreversibly remove unnecessary tooth tissue. The filling material used in our surgery is of the highest quality, hardly shrinks, remains shiny for a long time, does not discolour, does not cause allergies, and is not accompanied by post-treatment sensitivity.

How is the filling procedure different from the past?

Three factors are needed for a perfect bond:

  • Perfectly cleaned and prepared tooth surface
  • Carefully designed bonding protocol, using the latest 5th and 7th generation bonding systems
  • Impeccable, dry and clean conditions for bonding

In our surgery, we ensure all three conditions for perfect bonding without compromise, using state-of-the-art materials and tools.



Aesthetic filling: no saliva in the mouth?

Dry surfaces are a prerequisite for bonding. All adhesive procedures are performed in complete isolation where no blood or saliva is allowed on the treated tooth surfaces. Because of the rubber sheet used for this purpose, nothing can get into the mouth, you won’t feel the unpleasant taste of the materials used, your mouth won’t dry out and you can swallow in peace during the treatment.



Why to choose us?

  • Highly qualified professionals await you
  • We use top-quality materials
  • We use perfect sterilisation
  • We guarantee painless treatment

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