Navigational Implantology
Choose the best quality implants with the latest digital implant solutions!

- karcüregzárás (foghúzáskor megnyílt arcüreg esetén)
- Placement of dental implants
- Oral bone replacement surgery
- Diseases of the jaw joint, treatment of complaints of jaw joint dysfunction
- Painless implantation
- Customized, perfect precision
- Faster insertion
- Shorter integration time
- Vágás- és varratmentes
- Everlasting guarantee
- 3D digital technology
Navigációs implantálás (fogbeültetés, vágás és varrat nélkül)
State-of-the-art dental implantology means that the dentist no longer simply works with his or her hands, but uses 3D technology to insert the implant into the bone with tenths of a millimetre precision using a 3D printed and designed drilling template.
The digitally designed implantation surgery template is designed using computer software based on the patient’s CBCT scan.
- A arcüregzárás (foghúzáskor megnyílt arcüreg esetén)
- Placement of dental implants
- Oral bone replacement surgery
- Diseases of the jaw joint, treatment of complaints of jaw joint dysfunction
Navigációs implantálás lényege az, hogy készül egy személyre szabott sebészeti vezetősablon, melynek segítségével komolyabb műtéti beavatkozás nélkül végezhető el az implantátumok beültetése.
The digitally designed surgical template, placed in the mouth during the procedure, guides the drill with maximum precision, so that the implants are placed into the bone with perfect accuracy. This avoids the common mistakes of free-hand implantation surgery.
Thanks to a highly accurate diagnostic procedure and program, and the resulting surgical guide template, implants can be placed in areas of bone where it would be too risky to place them with the bare hand.
Implants can be placed more accurately and safely in patients with insufficient jawbone thickness and narrower, thinner bones. Thanks to modern techniques, the procedure is faster, there are no incisions or stitches and the recovery time is shorter.
The implants made using the template are placed in the perfect position so that the subsequent restorations can be made with the minimum implant load without any problems.
- Painless implantation
- Customized, perfect precision
- Faster insertion
- Shorter integration time
- Vágás- és varratmentes
- Everlasting guarantee
- 3D digital technology
Steps to navigational implantation:
1. Consultation and health status assessment
During the first consultation, we will take a health status assessment, a digital panoramic X-ray and a CBCT scan to get an idea of the condition of your teeth and bones.
2. A free-of-charge treatment plan
We will prepare a personalised treatment plan for you, including the details of the treatment and its procedure, the exact price, the expected treatment time and the guarantee conditions.
3. Computer-aided design
Using the software, we plan the location, length and thickness of the implant to an accuracy of tenths of a millimetre. We then use a 3D printer to create a surgical implant template.
4. Surgery
The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and is completely painless. With the drill template, the procedure is much shorter and the implant is placed in its digitally designed position with tenths of a millimetre accuracy.
5. Recovery period
Because the implant is quickly placed in the exact bone tissue, healing and ossification times are minimised. Of course, we will immediately prepare a temporary denture so that you don’t have to live without teeth during this time.
6. Final prosthesis
Finally, our own dental laboratory, also using state-of-the-art digital CAD/CAM technology, will create the final prosthesis.
Request an appointment now!