Maintaining the health of the periodontium to preserve teeth in the long run
Periodontology is a new field of dentistry that deals with the treatment of periodontal disease. The most common symptom may be bleeding gums. Many of us are frightened when we experience this symptom, but often only seek medical help later, when the situation becomes more serious.
What is periodontal bone structure?
The periodontium is the set of structures that hold the teeth in place, including the gum, the periodontal fiber, the cementum and the alveolar bone.
What are the most common diseases affecting the periodontal bone structure?
The vast majority of periodontal diseases are of inflammatory origin. If it is only the gums that are affected (gingivitis), the inflammation can be reversed. If more of the periodontal bone structure is affected (periodontitis), it can be maintained but not fully reversed. Prevention is a key factor. Early detection and early treatment are very important.
How is periodontal disease recognized?
Bleeding gums, calculus, abnormally moving teeth can all be signs of periodontal disease.
Our expert dentists will assess your gum health and they will discuss their findings with you.
If necessary, the oral examinations will be supplemented by X-rays to make a more accurate diagnosis.
What are the treatment options of periodontal disease?
The severity of the inflammation determines what treatment we will recomment.
It is important to find the cause of the inflammation, such as: protruding fillings, overhangs, etc.
As the first step, our qualified dental hygienists thoroughly clean the teeth on both jaws, and then provide detailed oral hygiene education. This treatment should be repeated every six months, but can be repeated more often, if necessary.
We will use hand scalers and/or laser therapy to promote healing if it is required (for deep periodontal pockets, severe inflammation, etc.)
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