Traditional (plastic) dentures

Get back the joy of chewing and smiling!

What are removable (traditional) dentures?

Loss of teeth causes a state of complete toothlessness. This condition can negatively affect the quality of life in several ways:

  • the loss of the chewing function makes nutrition difficult, this can cause digestive system complaints, and inadequate nutrition can also cause deficiency diseases
  • health complaints due to insufficient nutrition can also affect employment
  • the sense of loss caused by the loss of teeth can also cause psychological complaints

The removable denture rests on the toothless mucosa and replaces the lost teeth, restores the chewing function and allows the joy of smiling without forgetting again.



How are removable (traditional) dentures made?

Removable dentures are made in several sessions. After a thorough examination for the first time, our doctors take an impression of the toothless jawbone. Based on the impression, a bite template is made to record the bite, as well as an individual impression-taking spoon, with the help of which the bite is adjusted in the second session, as well as the preparation of a functional pattern that allows the movement of the mucous membrane to be accurately modeled. In this session, the right tooth color is chosen for the patients. After a dental test, the traditional dentures can be removed.


How is the transfer of traditional dentures carried out?

When placing the finished set of teeth in the mouth for the first time, we check its contact with the mucous membrane. We correct the parts that may cause an unpleasant pressing sensation. We examine the contact of the teeth when biting, and then inform our patients in detail about what to do when wearing dentures.

A removable denture always presents its user with a new life situation, so wearing it must be learned with sufficient patience.


Choose us because we:

  • We have denture specialists waiting for you
  • We work with the best materials
  • We make realistic, comfortable dentures
  • More than 100 satisfied patients
  • We offer a long-term guarantee

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